Gold Museum switches to winter opening hours 1st October 2024
The Gold Museum has shifted to winter opening hours (1.10.2024-30.5.2025). We are open Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The museum is closed on weekends and public holidays.
Welcome to Gold Museum!
Museum Director
The employment of Museum Director Teresa Töntsi has ended on 31.10.2023. Hanna Mattila, the Head of Collections, takes the place of Interim Museum Director from 1.11.2023.
The museum will start the search process for a new museum director as soon as possible.
The Gold Museum will continue to operate as usual. The museum is open in the winter Mon-Fri 10-16, and is closed Sat-Sun and on public holidays.
For further information, please contact Viljo Pesonen, Chairman of the Board of the Kultamuseosäätiö, tel. 040 5264566
Winter parking
Gold Museum’s two parking lots are also open in winter. The smaller car park, more commonly known as the winter car park, is located next to the museum building and is clearly waymarked. Disabled parking is located next to the door of the museum, and is accessed by following the signs for the winter car park. 200 metres from the museum’s front door is the larger car park, which also serves the Urho Kekkonen National Park. From the larger park there is a marked route to the museum. In addition, you can access the museum from the direction of our neighbours the Gold Village and the Restaurant Wanha Waskoolimies.

Share your Gold Memory
A time of golden memories!
Share here your best/most interesting/funniest memory related to gold, gold prospecting, Finnish goldfields or any other topic related to the Finnish gold heritage. The topic could be a reminiscence about a gold prospector veteran, a funny coincidence in the goldfields, the discovery of a nugget or even a memorable visit to the Gold Museum and/or an event in Tankavaara!
You can use your own name or leave the story anonymously. By default, the stories will be treated anonymously. If you would like your name or nickname to be used with the Gold Story, please indicate the name in the space provided
Among those who left their contact information, we will draw 2 small round cut Lapland corundum and 5x 2 tickets to the Gold Museum. Tickets can be redeemed until the end of September 2024. The prize is transferable to another person. The draw will take place after the deadline and the winners will be contacted personally. The contact details will not be used for any other purpose and will be destroyed after the draw in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation.
Gold Memories will become part of the Finnish gold heritage, which can be used in the activities of the Gold Museum (e.g. publications and exhibitions).
Share your Gold Memory here:
The deadline for responses is 30 September 2023.